Ever wonder why people still have a hard time breastfeeding and chestfeeding when it's supposed to be natural?

In this 30 MINUTE CRASH COURSE, you will learn everything you need to know from an expert who helps new parents every day! You will watch breastfeeding demonstrations with REAL babies, see practical and engaging lessons, learn what to do if you encounter problems, and how to avoid trouble from the start!

  • 1

    How to Breastfeed / Lactation Prep : Welcome!

    • Welcome!

    • Inclusive Language is important!

    • Why breastfeeding isn’t natural (and why you need this course)

    • Before we begin...

    • This course is for information purposes only....

  • 2

    Breastfeeding Basics

    • Breastfeeding Basics

  • 3

    Baby is Born

    • Skin to Skin

  • 4

    Feeding cues

    • Feeding Cues Video

    • How to know baby is hungry

  • 5

    How to get a great Latch

    • Latching tips

    • Downloadable Breastfeeding Tips

  • 6

    The first 24 hours - when baby is sleepy

    • The first 24 hours

  • 7

    The first few days - clusterfeeding!

    • The First night home (night 2/3)

    • Clusterfeeding

    • How to Breastfeed Quiz - Part 1

  • 8

    How Breast Compressions can help

    • Breast Compressions

  • 9

    Why babies lose weight

    • Why babies lose weight

  • 10

    How to protect your milk supply

    • How to Protect your milk supply

  • 11

    Bonus Milk & Supplements

    • Bonus Milk

    • How to supplement

    • Keep supplements slow and boring!

    • Downloadable Tummy size chart

  • 12

    Breastfeeding Positions

    • Breastfeeding Positions

    • How to Breastfeed - Quiz Part 2

  • 13

    Thank you!

    • Thanks for learning HOW TO BREASTFEED!

Watch Intro Video

Why you need this course...


Sign up now, so you can learn from an expert, instead of Google! Rewatch as needed!



Lindsay - Toronto

My son is 9 days old. I found your online breastfeeding [Prep Course] super helpful and your Nutmeg postpartum planner (on Amazon). I have watched the breastfeeding course a couple times and have found it helpful to have been able to go back to it! I just wanted to express my deepest gratitude to you and all of your guidance. Honestly, you are the reason I am successfully breastfeeding right now!!!


Why should you take the Breastfeeding Prep / Lactation Basics class?

  • Replay available so you can watch whenever you need help. Lifelong access to material

  • BONUS access to the Nutmeg Facebook Group for direct support from Angela

  • Receive our curated list of trusted online resources, (usually reserved for our Private clients) so you don't have to go to Dr Google!

  • Get free printable downloads, including Breastfeeding and latch tips to take with you!


  • Why should I take this course?

    YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE: * If you are pregnant or have a new baby, you need to LEARN how to breastfeed! It's not just natural. * If you want to know what to do to AVOID problems and be successful! * If you had trouble breastfeeding with your first baby, and don't want to go down that road again... *If you want to know how to have a great milk supply, prevent nipple pain, make sure baby is getting enough and how to get a great latch. *If you want to know what to do when baby is sleepy, losing too much weight, won't latch or needs to be supplemented. *If you want to know what is normal, and HOW TO BREASTFEED!

  • Who teaches the course?

    This content is created and delivered by Angela Grant Buechner, a Registered Nurse, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and Doula. She is the owner of Nutmeg Consulting in Toronto, Canada and has 20 years of experience working with new families!

  • How does the course work? I don't have much time!

    This is an ON-DEMAND online course that you have access to immediately when purchased. If you are pregnant, you can do the course as many times as you want BEFORE your baby is born, and then you can watch the videos again anytime AFTER your baby is here as a refresher! When you join, you will immediately receive lifetime access to ALL the videos, expert content and downloadable resources in your course. You can watch at your own pace, and re-watch any time to review when you need reminders! There are lots of segments but they are short video lessons, and the total running time is just about 30 minutes!

  • Why do I need a course to breastfeed?

    Ask your friends if breastfeeding was easy, and they'll almost always say it was harder than they expected. Almost all of our home-visit clients tell us that they wish they had learned all this BEFORE their baby was born! We have seen how prenatal education (or in the first weeks) can make a huge difference for breastfeeding outcomes!

Course Instructor


Angela Grant Buechner, BA, BScN, RN, IBCLC

Angela is an expert in her field who provides practical, useful, and relatable information for new and expecting parents As a specialist in supporting Birth, Babies & Breastfeeding she understands the importance of providing accurate and NON-JUDGMENTAL information so you can feel confident and ready to care for your baby or move to the next phase of your journey! Angela is a Registered Nurse, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Birth Doula and founder of Nutmeg Consulting and the Virtual Academy! Angela has worked at a major urban teaching hospital in the NICU, taught prenatal classes, presented at international conferences for health professionals, has attended hundreds of birth, and owns her private practice where she has provided Lactation/Breastfeeding/Pumping support and Pregnancy/Birth/Baby care education to thousands of clients over the years. She is now able to support new families virtually all over the world! Angela is mom to 3 exclusively breastfed children and she knows the benefits and rewards of breastfeeding, but also understands that there are often challenges to overcome. has experienced 2 un-medicated vaginal births and a wonderful cesarean birth, and believes in support for all types of birth, feeding and parenting!